Da li će biti smaka sveta 21. decembra?

Smak sveta po kalendaru MajaPredstavnici Vatikana danas su negirali sve brojnije navode o tome da će za dve nedelje nastupiti kraja sveta. Vatikan tvrdi i da navodni smak sveta 21. decembra nije zapisan u kalendaru drevnog naroda Maja.

Majanski kalendar počinje 3.114. godine pre nove ere i deli vreme na razdoblja od oko 400 godina, poznata kao baktune. Maje su izbrojale 13 baktuna od kojih se poslednji završava 21. decembra 2012, što je pokrenulo pravu lavinu tvrdnji da je drevni narod zapravo za taj datum prorekao smak sveta.

Stručnjaci, međutim, navode da se za Maje 21. decembra završava samo jedan od kalendarskih ciklusa, a ne svet.

U nastavku donosimo izvorno objašnjenje Don Tomasa Kalva, poglavara Maja o tome šta za taj narod tačno znači datum 21. decembar 2012:


Don Tomás (the Dalai Lama of the Maya): The True Meaning of the Mayan Prophecy

Poglavari naroda Maja
Don Tomás Calvo (second from left), the head of the Order of the Mayan Lords, the keepers of the Popol Vuh, the Mayan Book of Creation. Don Tomás is the Maya’s moral authority, often referred to as the Dalai Lama of the Maya

The message is inspired by the alignment of the planets. Our solar system is going to become the center of the galaxy.

The significance for human beings is that this presents an opportunity for human beings to change.

There is a cycle that ends and another that begins on December 21, 2012. This gives human beings the opportunity to reflect upon what their next steps will be, with intention, with the opportunity to develop new systems so that they can have new results.

It’s not a fatal date, nor is it the end of the world. It’s simply a change.

If the stars can align themselves, why not the thoughts of human beings as well? People coming from the north, the south, the east, the west, having the color skin that they have, with the ideas they have, with the intention of uniting hearts, to bring out the best in human beings, and to change this world.

Gospodar Jevremova 9a, Belgrade, Serbia

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