Šta je za Hičkoka sreća (VIDEO)

Alfred Hičkok (Alfred Hitchcock)„Čisti vidici, ništa pred vama što bi moglo da vas zabrine, već samo stvari koje su kreativne i nisu destruktivne. To se nalazi u vama, u meni samom ja ne mogu da podnesem svađu, ne mogu da podnesem osećanja koje ljudi imaju jedni prema drugima. Mislim da je mržnja uzaludno potrošena energija. Sve je to neproduktivno. Ja sam veoma osetljiv. Teška reč, koju izgovori plahovita osoba koja mi je bliska boli me danima. Meni je jasno da smo mi ipak samo ljudi, da prolazimo kroz razne emocije, nazovite ih i negativnim emocijama… ali kad sve to sklonite u stranu i kad možete da pogledate napred u čist put pred vama, onda ćete nešto da stvorite. Mislim da se tada ja osećam najsrećnijim“.

Alfred Hitchcock defines his idea of happiness

“A clear horizon, nothing to worry about on your plate. Only things that are creative and not destructive. That’s within yourself, within me, I can’t bear quarreling, I can’t bear feelings between people. I think hatred is wasted energy. It’s all unproductive. I’m very sensitive. A sharp word said, by say a person who has a temper, if they’re close to me, hurts me for days. I know we’re only human, we do go in for these various emotions, call them negative emotions… but when all these are removed and you can look forward and the road is clear ahead and now you’re going to create something. I think that’s as happy as I would ever want to be.”

Gospodar Jevremova 9a, Belgrade, Serbia

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